Still Feeling Pretty, During a Breast Cancer Journey
As we come to the end of breast cancer awareness month, I wanted to touch on one of the most important issues women face when going through treatment and that is the way they look and feel.
Having watched my mother during treatment for breast cancer, and subsequently have a double mastectomy with a host of complications, I’ve seen first hand how this disease can impact a woman’s self image. Women who are facing and on this journey, have a million things on their mind. They wonder and worry that everything is going to be ok, and they think about the important people in their life. Often, talking about their experience past and current, improves their mental and emotional state.
Having been in the skin care business for over 10 years, I’ve had the opportunity to survey hundreds of women about they way they look and feel. It’s been such a blessing to be able to have women trust me with their personal journeys, battles, and breast cancer fears. Aside from hope of beating this equal opportunity disease, women still want to feel pretty. Not only do chemotherapy treatments cause hair loss, and debilitating physical effects, there are a host of dermatological side effects that can occur with their skin. Some of the side effects are as follows:
1. Sensitivity with skin and allergic reactions to products.
2. Severe dryness
3. Flushing
4. Hyperpigmentation (dark patches, darker spots on their face and body).
5. Photo sensitivity
6. Rashes on face and body
7. Folliculitis, which is an acne like rash. ( It can appear on the face, scalp, chest, or other areas of the body.)
These dermatological effects can easily affect the way they feel about themselves. Chemo patients often become depressed and no longer feel pretty with overactive skin flare ups. Therefore, treating these patients with the right products is imperative. When they feel better about the way they look, it provides a positive effect on their emotional state which can help them cope better with the journey they face. Everyone would most likely agree that when you look good, you feel better about yourself.
Here at In The Clouds, our goal is to provide result oriented treatments while still offering clients the pampering and relaxation they deserve. Everyone needs an escape from reality! When it comes to patients undergoing cancer treatments, we offer a specific line of products that are designed to treat chemotherapy patients skin. Skin care products for these patients should not contain synthetic fragrances, colors, or other sensitizers and irritants so as to avoid instigating any additional reactions.
The products should contain urea, glycerin, hyaluronate acid, sodium PCA and other humectants. These types of ingredients draw moisture from the lower layers of the skin, the dermis, and bring them up into the epidermis, the outer layers. They work to plump and hydrate the skin. Well hydrated skin will be better postured to handle the chemotherapy with fewer complications.
At In The clouds, we use PCA Skin care. PCA Skin is dermatologist approved and delivers safe, effective results that have been clinically researched. The products are scientifically formulated to target and treat troublesome skin at the cellular level using ingredients such as alpha and beta hydroxy acids, peptides, antioxidants and botanicals.
My hope, is for women that have traveled this journey, are currently on this journey, or know someone who is, have been touched and inspired to know there is a skin care line that is specifically designed for you! Why? Because even through the valleys and trenches you’ve traveled, you remain unique in your own special way. May light and love from the angels above, shine down on you and surround you with comfort and warmth.
Image Sources: The Alternative Press, Merchant Articles