The truth about Acne and how this disorder makes it’s way to the surface of our skin.
The popular belief is that acne is typically caused by an unhealthy or imbalanced diet, poor personal hygiene, an uncontrolled sex drive, or too much chocolate.
The simple truth: The two main causes of this embarrassing skin disorder are heredity and hormones. So washing your face multiple times a day will not change your predisposition to this annoying skin issue.Still Feeling Pretty, During a Breast Cancer Journey
As we come to the end of breast cancer awareness month, I wanted to touch on one of the most important issues women face when going through treatment and that is the way they look and feel.
Having watched my mother during treatment for breast cancer, and subsequently have a double mastectomy with a host of complications, I've seen first hand how this disease can impact a woman's self image. Women who are facing and on this journey, have a million things on their mind. They wonder and worry that everything is going to be ok, and they think about the important people in their life. Often, talking about their experience past and current, improves their mental and emotional state.What is the Magic Behind “Dead Sea Mud”?
Dead Sea Mud is a valuable clay from the Dead Sea in Israel. The sea itself is very popular as a healing place for all kinds of respiratory problems and skin skin disorders/diseases.
The Dead Sea magic comes from its high concentration of 26 minerals that are ESSENTIAL for healthy skin function. Potassium chloride, iodine, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and bromine compounds to name a few.